Result no. 1 Info-kit on vaccination

  • Output 1.1 : A data base of reliable sources of informative  and tools on different issues on vaccine and vaccination.

Download the Information Guide on Vaccination & Vaccination Hesitancy

  • Output 1.2: A set of 20 info sheets presenting the essential, reliable and evidence-based information on various vaccine and vaccination issues with the aim of combating misinformation and fake news, debunking myths and the vaccine hesitancy.

Download the Compendium of Information   Sheets on Vaccination   & Vaccination Hesitancy in English, Romanian, Spanish and Greek

Result no. 2 Training Curriculum

  • Output 2.1:  The IENE11 Training Model  based on the PTT/IENE Model developed during the IENE projects.

Download the  Training Model in  English, Romanian, Greek and Spanish.

  • Output 2.2: The Training  Curriculum composed of four learning Modules following the four constructs of the Training Model : Cultural Awareness, Cultural Knowledge, Cultural Sensitivity and Cultural Competence.

Download the  Training Curriculum in  English, Romanian, Greek and Spanish.

Result no. 3 Bite sized learning Tools

  • Output 3:  A set of 20   Bite sized Learning tools  created by the partners. Each tool addresses a specific topic according to the specific Curriculum Modules.

Download the Compendium of Bite sized Learning tools in English, Romanian, Greek and Spanish.

Result no. 4  Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)

The course“Promoting vaccination and tackle vaccine hesitancy” is aiming to train  healthcare professionals to  promote vaccination and tackle the vaccine hesitancy