IENE 11 PROVAC is reaching the concluding phase . Please explore our site and download the project results at
Result no. 1 Info-kit on vaccination Output 1.1 : A data base of reliable sources of informative and tools on different issues on vaccine and vaccination. Download the Information Guide on Vaccination & Vaccination Hesitancy Output 1.2: A set of 20 info sheets presenting the essential, reliable and evidence-based information on various vaccine and vaccination issues with the aim of combating misinformation and fake news, debunking myths and the vaccine hesitancy. Download the Compendium of Information Sheets on Vaccination & Vaccination Hesitancy in English, Romanian, Spanish and Greek Result no. 2 Training Curriculum Output 2.1: The IENE11 Training Model based […]
The MOOC, named “Promoting Vaccination and Addressing Vaccine Hesitancy,” took place between October 2nd and November 10th, 2023. See more information at
The MOOC, named “Promoting Vaccination and Addressing Vaccine Hesitancy,” took place between October 2nd and November 10th, 2023, The 210 participants enhanced their knowledge, cultural communication, and social skills, being more confident to promote vaccination. See more information at
IENE 11 MOOC run from October 2nd to November 10th, 2023. Register your interest before 30th of September 2023 at The course is FREE of charge!
The course “Promoting vaccination and tackle vaccine hesitancy” aims to enhance knowledge, communication, cultural and social skills of nurses, medical doctors, community health workers and healthcare professionals, empowering them fighting disinformation, tackling the vaccine hesitancy and improving vaccine confidence to people that are more hesitant or people from disadvantaged groups. The course is addressing the healthcare and social care workers involved in delivering vaccination, nurses or doctors, school or community nurses, teachers and students of the healthcare and social care fields or other healthcare professionals wishing to improve their knowledge and skills on vaccination. Register your interest before 30th of September 2023 at […]
¡El IENE 11 MOOC llegará pronto! Tendrá lugar del 2 de octubre al 19 de noviembre de 2023. ¡Ve a la página del MOOC para INSCRIBIRTE AHORA!
The MOOC “Promoting vaccination and tackle vaccine hesitancy” will run from 2nd of October to 19th of November 2023. Scan the code or click on the link to complete the Course Registration Form
The partners created a set of 16 Bite-sized learning tools aiming to increase the level of knowledge on vaccine and vaccination of healthcare professionals and support them to promote vaccination and tackle with vaccine hesitancy. The Bite-sized learning tools follow the constructs of the PTT/IENE11 Model and each tool addresses a specific topic of the specific Curriculum Modules: 1. Cultural Awareness, 2. Cultural Knowledge, 3. Cultural Sensitivity and 4. Cultural Competence. The tools are organized in an attractive form with links to additional resources, short Youtube videos, animations and other information sources as podcast, articles, etc., collected from the Internet. […]
El Boletín núm. 3 está disponible
Download it in English Romanian Greek Spanish at at!
On 2nd and 3rd February 2023, the IENE 11 partners met in Craiova . All the activities provided in the Work plan were carried out according to the schedule and all the deliverables were achieved. The partners agreed on Bite-sized learning tools and plan the development of the online training course (MOOC ).
Póster presentado a la 8.ª Conferencia Internacional ETNA2023
A Poster was submitted to ETNA2023 (8th International Conference of the European Transcultural Nursing Association) by Elena Rousou: IENE 11- PROVAC: A European Curriculum Model for Empowering Nurses and Healthcare Professionals to Promote Vaccination and Tackle Vaccine Hesitancy :Authors : Elena Rousou, Christiana Kouta, Panagiota Ellina, Elena Nikolaidou, Paraskevi Charitou and Victor Dudau
The second newsletter is available. Download it in English Romanian Greek Spanish!
The second Newsletter contains information about the training Model and plan for developing the Learning Tools. Download the Newsletter no. 2 English Romanian Greek Spanish