The project  started  with  research on vaccination and immunization to detect the key issues and establish the topics  for the Informative Guide. The partners mapped on Internet for the informative resources and tools  which can be used by healthcare staff  for  improving  their knowledge on vaccine and  vaccination.

Then, the partners created 20 Info sheets, translated them in English, Romanian, Spanish and Greek  and organized an  informative campaigns among vulnerable groups and vaccine hesitant people.

Building on the  PPT/IENE Model  developed in previous IENE projects, the partners established the Training Curriculum for healthcare  professionals  involved in vaccination and immunization aiming at enhancing their  competence ,  communication and social  relationship skills  to work with  people coming from  hard to reach groups and tackle the vaccine hesitancy.

Then, the   partners  created  20 Bite sized   learning tools,  organized in   attractive form with links to additional resources, You tube videos, animations and  other information sources collected from the Internet in CC license. These Tools are   available  on the  web platform  in  English, Romanian, Spanish and Greek  to be used by healthcare staff  for self-learning.

Under the coordination of  Edunet, the partners  created the  methodology and content for the   Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) “Promoting vaccination and tackle vaccine hesitancy”.

The course was  delivered, piloted and evaluated during six weeks, from 2th of October to 10th of November 2023.

The  210 participants  increased their  knowledge about  vaccination,  cultural awareness and cultural knowledge    about hesitant and vulnerable people, their thinking and cultural   beliefs  in front of vaccination and also increased their skills to inform , advice about vaccination, promote and advocacy combat misunderstanding and myths of vaccination, influence, get trust, persuade and improve  vaccine confidence to  hard to reach groups.